Wednesday, May 09, 2007

IIT and Dilbert

I was amused to see some references to my alma mater on Scott Adam's blog.
IIT surely has become a much bigger name than when I joined it in 1994, thanks to the Silicon Valley revolution and IIT immigrants to the US making it big. However, it seems there is also some contempt in the minds of people about IITians and their quality, as reflected by the comments posted. One big reason for this can be that IIT has become a famous brand, and people assume their loss of employment to be linked with IITians. Nothing could be further from the truth. The IITs together produce about 2200 bachelors in technology every year. Normally, 40% of the class goes abroad for further studies or for employment. Employment for IITians is mostly in areas of advanced technical research, consulting, finance or management. All of which generate more jobs and earn more revenues for the US government. We are not into snatching BPO jobs from people. As for the quality, the success rates of IITians is not a mystery, it is widely known and publicised. Yes, getting through the JEE is tough, probably the toughest exam to crack in the world. Yet, it doesnt mean that people who do not qualify are morons. However, if one doesnt qualify and instead spends one's life in cribbing about the quality of IITians, well, we know for sure where you are headed!



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