Saturday, December 30, 2006

Saddam executed

Saddam Hussain finally got hanged today. President Bush calls it an important milestone on the road to building Iraqi democracy. Saddam execution important milestone: Bush

I would say it is a clear signal to anyone who stands against the American economy of wars and oil wells. History is written by the victor, and Saddam will go down as a threat to the freedom and democracy of Iraqis, a person who amassed weapons of mass destruction, who was a threat to global peace and existence and who indirectly supported terror groups.

Who dare raise voices against the mighty Americans? Who dare stop them from capturing foreign soil in quest of black gold? Who dare suggest their economics of terror, of first destroying countries and then sending their own companies under the garb of rehabilitation and construction?

We are a global world, committed to free spirit and democracy, arent we? So what if only the sound of the dollar gets heard? Long live the king!


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